Lack of a website costs firms £13bn! - Yellow Jersey Design
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Lack of a website costs firms £13bn!

June 10th, 2013

I was reading the Sunday paper at the weekend when I came across this column in the business section. I thought I would share it with you as it makes very interesting reading.


Lack of a Website costs firms £13bn

SMALL businesses are collectively missing out on £13 billion of annual sales through not having a website.
A quarter of shoppers would not use a small business that did not have a website, according to a new report by 02 Business.
Second only to recommendations from friends and family, internet research is the most common way customers select a business, with 57 per cent of customers saying that they found a firm this way.
Nearly a third expect firms to have a ‘transactional’ website – one from which they can buy direct – while one in ten expect a form to have an updated Facebook page.


So, are you one of those firms that has no presence on the internet and business is slightly slow?  If you are, why not give us a ring on 020 7183 0364 or send us an email at, for a chat of how we can help you get presence on the internet.


But don’t just take our word for it, below is what one of our clients said about us.

Ray from London Surveyors and Valuers recommended Yellow Jersey Design to Janice at Chequers Bed & Breakfast, as they did such a good job with Londons stationary and website.

I am so glad that he did because they created a wonderful picture of our business. Since the new website went ‘live’ there has been a huge increase in enquiries. Provided that the required dates are not already taken I can convert all enquiries into firm bookings. The website has people immediately interested in staying at Chequers.

We think that the reason for this is because they have made it so attractive, user friendly and informative. I would also like to thank them for making my contribution to the creation so easy. As you found out I have a terrible aversion to “I.T” but they were very patient, they did not make me feel stupid when I asked the most basic questions, and have also made replying to the many enquiries, and consequent bookings easy for me to manage too. I am also absolutely delighted with the brochures, business cards and other Chequers stationary that you put together for me. They really show all that Chequers B&B has to offer.

Janice Clune Chequers Bed & Breakfast


Remember no one can buy off you if they do not know you exist!

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