Thinking out side the box - Yellow Jersey Design
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Thinking out side the box

June 3rd, 2013












Whilst looking through a great app called Flipboard on my iPad at the weekend, catching up on design around the world, I came across this very interesting wedding picture concept.

I thought I would share this with you as it shows a photographer that wants to make an impact with the photographs he takes. Yes, it needed a bit of photoshop work to get Mr T-Rex in there but this shows photographs can be different and interesting. The wedding party really got into the spirit as well because the expressions on their faces adds to the full fun concept. I was glad to see that the groom did not leave his bride behind though.

Here at Yellow Jersey Design we think the same as this photographer, something different makes you stand out from the crowd. So, if you are wanting to be different in your busy market place, give us a ring on 020 7183 0364 or send us an email at, we are here to help you have the tools to get noticed.

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